Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ty's Birth Story

Tim snapped this awful picture of me veg-ing out on the couch the day before we went to the hospital
Ty was born Friday, December 12th, at 12:07 p.m. - two days after his due date.  Bridger had come 3 days early so I was not expecting to see my due date, let alone pass it by.  However, I was feeling good and I still wasn't quite ready, mentally, for another baby.  On Thursday, the Hospital called and told me to be ready for my induction at 6:15 a.m. After I hung up the phone, I felt excitement, probably for the first time in 9 months - shameful.  Tim's parents were there the next morning and off we went.

I picked up the phone outside the Labor and Delivery and said, "I'm here to have a baby."  I was actually feeling cheerful that morning, especially as I saw women coming into the waiting room moaning and in tears.  I was hooked up to an IV a couple hours later and then maybe 30 minutes after that, I got an epidural.  The very worst part of the whole process was the IV.  The site stung the entire time and I couldn't move easily because every time I did, the tubes would pull and then it would hurt even worse.  I remember the first time getting an epidural - I didn't feel anything, nothing from the waist down.  This time, I could still move my legs and I could feel the contractions in the form of pressure in the back.  I can't say I was in pain, I was just totally uncomfortable the whole time.

About 4 hours later, I was done.  The nurse had come in to check me and said I was only dilated to a 4 and totally effaced.  I still don't know what effacement means, but I knew I had to dilate to a 10 in order for a baby to get here, so I was pretty frustrated.  I cried to Tim, "I'm going to be here ALL DAY!"  He tried to take my mind off my woes by turning on Netflix, but I couldn't concentrate.  I tried to turn to my side, but something felt off.  I called the Nurses station to come check me.  When the nurse arrived, she took one look and said, "Oh, I see a head."

From that second, it was complete pandemonium.  Nurses rushed in, talking fast, moving things around - a nurse called out the door, "Code White, Code White, get a doctor in here NOW."  Tim had gone out into the hall - so I called him and said, "Get in here, the baby's coming."  My doctor rushed in, but while he was getting his gloves on, the head came out and a second later, the body.  The nurse who had come to check me, barely caught him in time.  I think I gave a half push.
The cutest little cry I have ever heard came out of the cutest little body.  I was in shock.  I was expecting to wait 4 more hours, not 4 more minutes.  While I was being stitched up (no time to cut, so I tore), I was just looking at Ty, wondering when they would bring him to me.  As soon as they laid him on my chest, he calmed down immediately.  I was totally smitten.  He had the cutest dimples, and was really perfect.  When they gave me Bridger, he would not calm down, just kept on wailing.  A few hours later, Tim and I kept saying over and over, "I can't believe how calm he is.  He isn't crying.  Do you think he'll stay like this?  Isn't he wonderful?"

As far as the recovery goes, I have been amazed how much better I feel already.  When I gave birth the first time, I felt like I had been run over by a truck...for months.  It's been a week, and I feel almost back to normal (except for the 30+ pounds I have to lose).  Everything about this recovery has been easier.  Plus, Ty sleeps ALL THE TIME, so it makes up for Bridger not sleeping at all.
Bridger is totally engrossed in the terrible twos; he is not easy and really, never has been. I think I realize that more now that I see his brother, who is a perfect angel, comparatively.  I'm a little afraid for Tim to go back to school, but I'm sure we'll make it through the winter semester - we'll just go to indoor parks and let Bridger run and run and runnnn.

I was wondering this morning, how I could be so blessed to have this new little guy in our lives.  As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started praying for a good sleeper, and so far, my prayers have been answered.  I am so grateful to a merciful Heavenly Father who knew how much I needed this beautiful, peaceful boy.  I am so happy and thankful for my little family of boys.  Merry Christmas.
Bridger trying to stay in the loop
Tim has been taking care of Bridger since I got home...and cooking, cleaning, keeping me happy, etc.  I am so grateful for him. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Differences between 1st and 2nd Pregnancies

As this pregnancy is winding down (three more weeks, baby) , I've been thinking about how different its been from my first.  My cravings were different, my body and emotions were different, and my life was different.  To be more specific, here is a little list I came up with:

1 - EMOTIONS:  I was beyond thrilled to find out I was pregnant with Bridger.  Being pregnant was foremost on my mind, all the time.  This time around, I was shocked it happened so fast and I was am terrified.  Why was I so scared?  Because I knew what I was in for - and it is no vacation to Hawaii.  Having a newborn is more like an post-apocalyptic survival trek (I obviously exaggerate, but with my hormones out of whack, that is how I remember it).  I am excited to meet #2 and I know I will adore him, but the joyful anticipation is tempered by knowing what lack of sleep does for me, and let us not forget about child #1 - Is Bridger going to poke the baby in the eye when I run to the bathroom for two seconds, leaving his brother blind forever?  Is he going to sit on the baby's face, leaving him permanently demented?!  Will Bridger feel betrayed and isolated because he's not #1 anymore? I was so carefree with my first pregnancy.  As you can see, not so much this time around.

2 - BODY:  Bodies do SO much better the first time.  Granted, I was pretty nauseated my first trimester and threw up a dozen times with #1 (eating protein in the morning is the trick), but I don't remember any out-of-the-ordinary pains - I just gained 40 pounds.  I walked throughout most of my pregnancy and felt pretty dang good until a week or two before #1 came.  This time, I've called the doctor's office about a number of random pains and went to the L&D around 30 weeks because I was so worried that something was wrong with my body or baby.  Turns out, your body is just used to being pregnant and doesn't fight so hard to get you back to normal.  Round Ligament Pain was a serious problem this time - walking after five minutes was unbearable.  When I asked the doctor about the pressure I've been feeling in my lower stomach (and even surprise), he shrugged and said, you don't have the muscle strength to hold everything up anymore; wait 'till your 4th or 5th pregnancy."  No sir.  I have heard that recovery time is shorter with each pregnancy and that is something I am definitely hoping for in my case.  For future reference (for future Carlee), don't go to the L&D unless you are bleeding gallons - they torture you there.

3 - LIFE:  Life with a very busy toddler = very busy mama.  I haven't had much time to think about #2, we don't even have a name for him yet.  When I was pregnant with Bridger, I imagined a sweet calm cherub, giggling ever so sweetly.  I have no illusions with #2, but I do have experience.  I am definitely more prepared to welcome this new baby into our home and I know I will make it through, because the sleepless nights DO END, the painful nursing does stop, your body eventually heals, and everything is a stage.  I've gone through hard and easy stages with Bridger and I will again.  Babies are wonderful and toddlers are a total party.  I need to remember that children make my life completely full in so many different ways.  They help us to become better people and we are blessed for bringing them here, so bring it on.

Friday, October 31, 2014

October Month

This past month has been truly wonderful.  Bridger has continued to grow and is learning so much every day.  He went through a very short stint of being interested in pull-ups.  He is talking more and more and I'm actually starting to decipher what he says.  I love this kid and think he's just about the cutest and coolest boy alive.
 The weather was so nice this month - we spent a lot of time outdoors.  We hiked to a couple of waterfalls, the Y, and tons of easy walks to parks.
Battle Creek Falls
Bridal Vale Falls
 The Y - homecoming weekend
 Enjoying the fall weather on one of our walks
 Tim has been leaving around 6 every morning, so when Bridger wakes up, he hops into our bed and falls asleep for another hour - its adorable until he starts kicking me.
 My parents came for a short visit and spoiled us.  We love them so much.
 Bridger found an old bear from my house in St. George and took it back with us to Provo.  He sleeps with it, plays with it, puts it to "night-night", and loves it to death.
 Carving Pumpkins
 Watching the World Series - last game
 My Birthday was today and Tim made it absolutely AMAZING!  Everyone was so sweet to call and text.  It was such a sweet day.  Tim blew up 29 balloons (I can't believe I'm that old!)  and wrote one thing he was thankful for (about me) in each one.  
This might be first time I told Bridger to smile and this is the pose I great.
 Tim took me to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and just as I was about to blow out the candle on the cake, Bridger beat me to it and blew it out.  I was shocked he could move that fast.  Tim let me blow out candles when we got home, so no harm done.  I think this will be a great year for me - another baby (5 more weeks), a new home, new job, and the best people in the world to be there with me.  I am so grateful.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thoughts on Budgeting

I am a list person, which lends itself well to making budgets.  I really REALLY enjoy creating budgets.  It reminds me of creating a weight loss plan.  I think of all the possibilities - the money I'm saving, the new outfits, the once a month fancy night out, the tight stomach, increased confidence, etc.  When it comes to actually following through on a weight loss plan, its the same as a budget, it doesn't happen.  I feel bad for a few days, then buy myself a very overpriced, fattening dessert and start again.

The past couple of months though, I have created a budget and stuck to it.  Yes, I am quite proud of myself, but I have to say that I have hated almost every second of it.  I can understand why our country is in serious debt, no one likes to feel deprived (kind of like a weight loss plan).  I am sure when Tim is actually making money, budgeting might be more rewarding, but right now, even on our tight budget, we won't have any money left in just a few months.  I keep having to remind myself that I am just trying to make our money last longer, and there can be confidence found in that - knowing that we have enough to get us through one more month.

Even though I really hate budgeting (the act of living a budget, not writing one out), there are some things I feel like a budget helps me to realize:

1 - It is a GOOD thing to NOT get everything you want, or think you need.  Too much self-indulgence makes people lazy, spoiled, and self-entitled.  I am working on being happy without buying everything I want, and guess what...I'm happier knowing that I can discipline myself.  I seriously feel like a better person for not eating out when I have everything for lunch at home.
Exterior Photo of 2015 Honda CR-V
2 - I don't have to have the latest and the greatest.  This is the hardest concept for me.  If I had a phone upgrade, I would have gotten the iphone 6 yesterday.  The new Honda 2015 CR-V came out recently and you better believe I've already built it to my liking (Touring CR-V) and sent it to my dad - since he gets excited with me.  The truth is - always feeling like I have to own the newest thing out makes me a discontented person.  My parents will say I was born discontented, but I don't have to stay that way.  Living on a budget makes it impossible to always have new and there is nothing wrong with that.  I'm still working on this.

3 - Live simply.  Since Tim is at school all day (and most nights), Bridger and I like to run errands.  We go to the mall, TJ Maxx, pick up a treat at the market, etc.  Now, instead of shopping, we go to the park, walk everywhere, visit free museums, and pick up movies at the library to watch at home.  I miss shopping, but we still have fun and I don't look at my bank account and wonder where all my money went.

So yes, living on a budget is not easy but it is or can be very rewarding.  I hope I can always live within my means (I mean, for at least another month) because that really does make me happy and that is what this life is all about, finding real happiness.  Amen.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Tim and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary on Wednesday.  We decided to take a quick trip up to Salt Lake City and go see the Capitol building.  I got this idea on Pinterest (the first one), and thought it might be fun to attach pictures of us (with lovey dovey quotes on the back) to balloons.  It was a total flop, since four of the balloons didn't have enough helium to hold the pictures, and two popped while tying them together.  Oh well.
 Nailed It.
 We stopped at City Creek first and ate at the Cheesecake Factory.  Since Bridger doesn't believe in sitting for more than three minutes, we took turns chasing him, while the other ate our meal.  So much for a relaxing romantic dinner.  
 The Capitol Building didn't disappoint.  It had been about 15 years since I was there - it was beautiful.  We walked around the grounds and let Bridger off his leash (if only we had one).  The inside was incredible too.  From a window at the top floor, you can see State Street going down for miles.  The weather could not have been more perfect - didn't need jackets and it wasn't too hot.  The only downside of the night was the nasty bite on Tim's shoulder - Bridger bit right through the skin.  I wish he could have just said, "Mom, I don't want a picture right now."  Luckily, Tim played it very cool and didn't throw him five feet.  I really love this man I married.  He is my best friend and is the best dad.  I'm looking forward to another four years.