Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ty's Birth Story

Tim snapped this awful picture of me veg-ing out on the couch the day before we went to the hospital
Ty was born Friday, December 12th, at 12:07 p.m. - two days after his due date.  Bridger had come 3 days early so I was not expecting to see my due date, let alone pass it by.  However, I was feeling good and I still wasn't quite ready, mentally, for another baby.  On Thursday, the Hospital called and told me to be ready for my induction at 6:15 a.m. After I hung up the phone, I felt excitement, probably for the first time in 9 months - shameful.  Tim's parents were there the next morning and off we went.

I picked up the phone outside the Labor and Delivery and said, "I'm here to have a baby."  I was actually feeling cheerful that morning, especially as I saw women coming into the waiting room moaning and in tears.  I was hooked up to an IV a couple hours later and then maybe 30 minutes after that, I got an epidural.  The very worst part of the whole process was the IV.  The site stung the entire time and I couldn't move easily because every time I did, the tubes would pull and then it would hurt even worse.  I remember the first time getting an epidural - I didn't feel anything, nothing from the waist down.  This time, I could still move my legs and I could feel the contractions in the form of pressure in the back.  I can't say I was in pain, I was just totally uncomfortable the whole time.

About 4 hours later, I was done.  The nurse had come in to check me and said I was only dilated to a 4 and totally effaced.  I still don't know what effacement means, but I knew I had to dilate to a 10 in order for a baby to get here, so I was pretty frustrated.  I cried to Tim, "I'm going to be here ALL DAY!"  He tried to take my mind off my woes by turning on Netflix, but I couldn't concentrate.  I tried to turn to my side, but something felt off.  I called the Nurses station to come check me.  When the nurse arrived, she took one look and said, "Oh, I see a head."

From that second, it was complete pandemonium.  Nurses rushed in, talking fast, moving things around - a nurse called out the door, "Code White, Code White, get a doctor in here NOW."  Tim had gone out into the hall - so I called him and said, "Get in here, the baby's coming."  My doctor rushed in, but while he was getting his gloves on, the head came out and a second later, the body.  The nurse who had come to check me, barely caught him in time.  I think I gave a half push.
The cutest little cry I have ever heard came out of the cutest little body.  I was in shock.  I was expecting to wait 4 more hours, not 4 more minutes.  While I was being stitched up (no time to cut, so I tore), I was just looking at Ty, wondering when they would bring him to me.  As soon as they laid him on my chest, he calmed down immediately.  I was totally smitten.  He had the cutest dimples, and was really perfect.  When they gave me Bridger, he would not calm down, just kept on wailing.  A few hours later, Tim and I kept saying over and over, "I can't believe how calm he is.  He isn't crying.  Do you think he'll stay like this?  Isn't he wonderful?"

As far as the recovery goes, I have been amazed how much better I feel already.  When I gave birth the first time, I felt like I had been run over by a truck...for months.  It's been a week, and I feel almost back to normal (except for the 30+ pounds I have to lose).  Everything about this recovery has been easier.  Plus, Ty sleeps ALL THE TIME, so it makes up for Bridger not sleeping at all.
Bridger is totally engrossed in the terrible twos; he is not easy and really, never has been. I think I realize that more now that I see his brother, who is a perfect angel, comparatively.  I'm a little afraid for Tim to go back to school, but I'm sure we'll make it through the winter semester - we'll just go to indoor parks and let Bridger run and run and runnnn.

I was wondering this morning, how I could be so blessed to have this new little guy in our lives.  As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started praying for a good sleeper, and so far, my prayers have been answered.  I am so grateful to a merciful Heavenly Father who knew how much I needed this beautiful, peaceful boy.  I am so happy and thankful for my little family of boys.  Merry Christmas.
Bridger trying to stay in the loop
Tim has been taking care of Bridger since I got home...and cooking, cleaning, keeping me happy, etc.  I am so grateful for him. 

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! What a cute addition to your already beautiful family! Love you guys!!
