Thursday, January 31, 2013


Tim had a good birthday.  Bridger didn't know what to think about candles but I'm sure he'll learn to love them.
Tim and I hosted our first dinner in Provo.  It's shameful that its taken so long but we had fun.  I just had to sigh before everyone came - there were three kinds of chairs (all questionably stable), non-matching utensils and cups.  Our table was Tim's Costco study desk and the table cloth was wrapping paper.
Last night, I was so tired of entertaining Bridger and turned on a movie.  I've never seen him be so quiet and was a little scary actually.  No worries, he quickly lost interest and was back to his discontented rambuncious self.
My darling friend came over with her little girl this morning.  Bridger was thrilled to have a friend, especially one so cute.  Ellie is only two weeks younger than Bridger but their difference in size is hilarious; Bridger is a TANK.  While the babies played (mostly staring at each other) we made a valentines wreath.  It turned out pretty cute but took a lot longer than I thought it would - maybe not worth the two weeks its going to be on my door.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Tim

Tim has about thee busiest day at school EVER so we aren't celebrating so much today but this weekend is going to be celebrations galore!  Tim is the best man I've ever known; I want to be a better person when I am around him.  He is shy, smart, super hard working, funny, great on-the-spot dancer, and dang sexy.   I love him with all my heart - happy birthday hun.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Needing a Hobby

Now that I stay home to take care of sweet cheeks Bridger, I am starting to think I need a hobby.  One can only watch Sense and Sensibility so many times.  This leads me to my next question - what can I enjoy doing while watching my son (that is also indoors and cheap)?   I love to play the piano but I don't have a piano and let's be honest, I play for a few minutes and realize how awful I sound, then stop.  I am trying to be a better cook but what I really love is baking (not good).  Plus, I'm starting to lose my zeal for cooking, considering it takes preparation and lots of clean up afterward.  I want a good book and a good workout  video.  I am on the lookout!

Next, Tim got his first semester grades back - he did great (we were both a little surprised).  We are so happy to be in Provo, even in the freezing cold.  We love BYU and all the memories we've made here.  Bridger is definitely a BYU baby and I wouldn't have it any other way.
This is Bridger's sad/angry face; his tears are huge.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 months

My baby is five months!  Here are a few things about Bridger's five-month old self:
  1. He is sitting up all by himself!  On the other hand, he still can't roll onto his stomach.  I guess he never liked tummy time, but now I can't even make him stay on his stomach because he will just roll onto his back
  2. Bridger is full swing in the attachment phase.  Every time I leave the room, he bursts into tears. 
  3. It is getting much easier to take him places.  Yes, he still hates his carseat but instead of crying hysterically, he just yells every few minutes.
  4. Bridger grabs everything, especially my hair, and his grip is iron.  I have been seriously considering cutting my hair all off but Tim gives me this mortified look every time I bring it up, so I will just have to keep pulling out the strands from Bridger's death grip.
  5. His drool is unending.  How does one person have so much fluid in their mouth?
I feel like with each passing month, I am becoming more content with motherhood. Bridger is mostly one happy baby and it is so fun to play with him, to watch him laugh and be silly with me.  I still feel tired all the time and I don't dress up as often (probably because STILL nothing fits), but I am pretty content and happy with life. It is crazy to think that my mom was pregnant with me when Paige was this age.  I remember her saying once (or twice) that she cried when she found out she was pregnant again.  Well, if I didn't understand then, I certainly do now.  I cannot possibly imagine getting pregnant so soon after giving birth.  My mom is pretty amazing.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Holidays

Tim and I had a great holiday season this year.  For Christmas, we flew to Houston to be with all of Tim's family.  It was a blast!  We made gingerbread houses, drank hot chocolate, played Christmas light scavenger hunt, watched movies, and Bridger got to know his new cousins and family.  The weather was amazing; I needed to see the sun and blue sky.  I am lame and forgot my camera, so here are a few shots taken from my phone:
Bridger is playing with his cousin Philip's toys and loving it!
Bridger loves his aunt Lori.
On Christmas Eve, we had just about fallen asleep when Tim woke up in a panic because we had forgotten to bring our stockings or anything to put in them.  He was about to throw on some pants and head out to Walmart when we stopped ourselves and realized that a-we didn't have money to buy "stuff" that we didn't really need and b - that Christmas wasn't about stockings.  Instead, we decided to start a new tradition.  We made our stockings out of wrapping paper and inside, we wrote three (we've had three Christmas' together) things we loved about eachother and three things we loved about Bridger.  It was kind of cool to open those on Christmas morning and I hope we can do this every year from now on.
I got Tim an electric toothbrush - he was thrilled.
The only picture we could get of Bridger on the plane was him asleep.  We had our hands full with him awake.
A few days after we got home from Texas, we drove down to St. George to see my family.  We went for walks, ate yummy food, shopped, saw a movie, and just relaxed. 
We got to see Ryan play his basketball game against Hurricane.  He played amazingly.  Bridger was focused in the entire time.
Lance headed back to BYU-Idaho to the freezing cold weather.  It was fun to hang out with him for a couple of days.
It is so fun to have my grandparents living in St. George for the winter.  They were so sweet to help watch Bridger while Tim and I ran some errands.
Bridger and my dad have a special little bond.