Sunday, November 16, 2014

Differences between 1st and 2nd Pregnancies

As this pregnancy is winding down (three more weeks, baby) , I've been thinking about how different its been from my first.  My cravings were different, my body and emotions were different, and my life was different.  To be more specific, here is a little list I came up with:

1 - EMOTIONS:  I was beyond thrilled to find out I was pregnant with Bridger.  Being pregnant was foremost on my mind, all the time.  This time around, I was shocked it happened so fast and I was am terrified.  Why was I so scared?  Because I knew what I was in for - and it is no vacation to Hawaii.  Having a newborn is more like an post-apocalyptic survival trek (I obviously exaggerate, but with my hormones out of whack, that is how I remember it).  I am excited to meet #2 and I know I will adore him, but the joyful anticipation is tempered by knowing what lack of sleep does for me, and let us not forget about child #1 - Is Bridger going to poke the baby in the eye when I run to the bathroom for two seconds, leaving his brother blind forever?  Is he going to sit on the baby's face, leaving him permanently demented?!  Will Bridger feel betrayed and isolated because he's not #1 anymore? I was so carefree with my first pregnancy.  As you can see, not so much this time around.

2 - BODY:  Bodies do SO much better the first time.  Granted, I was pretty nauseated my first trimester and threw up a dozen times with #1 (eating protein in the morning is the trick), but I don't remember any out-of-the-ordinary pains - I just gained 40 pounds.  I walked throughout most of my pregnancy and felt pretty dang good until a week or two before #1 came.  This time, I've called the doctor's office about a number of random pains and went to the L&D around 30 weeks because I was so worried that something was wrong with my body or baby.  Turns out, your body is just used to being pregnant and doesn't fight so hard to get you back to normal.  Round Ligament Pain was a serious problem this time - walking after five minutes was unbearable.  When I asked the doctor about the pressure I've been feeling in my lower stomach (and even surprise), he shrugged and said, you don't have the muscle strength to hold everything up anymore; wait 'till your 4th or 5th pregnancy."  No sir.  I have heard that recovery time is shorter with each pregnancy and that is something I am definitely hoping for in my case.  For future reference (for future Carlee), don't go to the L&D unless you are bleeding gallons - they torture you there.

3 - LIFE:  Life with a very busy toddler = very busy mama.  I haven't had much time to think about #2, we don't even have a name for him yet.  When I was pregnant with Bridger, I imagined a sweet calm cherub, giggling ever so sweetly.  I have no illusions with #2, but I do have experience.  I am definitely more prepared to welcome this new baby into our home and I know I will make it through, because the sleepless nights DO END, the painful nursing does stop, your body eventually heals, and everything is a stage.  I've gone through hard and easy stages with Bridger and I will again.  Babies are wonderful and toddlers are a total party.  I need to remember that children make my life completely full in so many different ways.  They help us to become better people and we are blessed for bringing them here, so bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog and especially hearing what it's like for you with #2! Wish I were around to swap stories and hear more. :) Can't believe you only have 3 more weeks! So excited for you. You are a wonderful mom and will be so great with two. And can I say I definitely feel you as far as not being the biggest fan of the newborn stage. As sweet as it is, the sleep deprivation, adjusting to nursing, etc...all things I am happy to move on from! But I think you will be surprised how much better recovery is and in general knowing how to take care of a newborn a second time around is. You are a pro at this! Anyway, sorry long comment. Excited for you!
