Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bridger O.

I love my Bridger O.  He is in such a fun/funny stage right now.  Yesterday, he asked me the date of his birthday (August 7fh) and then told me what he wanted: "A red cake with red cream on top, with sprinkles.  Oh, and bawoons."  He is really looking forward to his birthday.  I want to throw him a little party, but we don't know many people in our ward, so maybe next year.  Bridger is becoming more and more observant everyday.  Its a little bit frightening actually - I need to be more careful around him.  He is and has always been ultra-sensitive to my different moods, but now he is picking up on Ty's as well.  The other day, Ty was crying, and Bridger said, "Mom, Ty is tired.  You better put him down, and I'll watch a movie."

He is still a very intense little guy, and I wonder if, as his body grows, the intensity will have more room to spread out, letting him relax a little, or will it grow right along with him?  I hope the former, because I still see him struggling to  contain all of the energy inside.  Everything is very dramatic for him.  If he falls and scrapes his knee, someone nearby might think his leg was being chewed off by a monster scorpion - Bridger cries and cries and screams and cries some more.  If Ty even tries to bite him, Bridger yells as if hes already been bitten, and is bleeding.

He still wakes up every night, and if its a good night, he will quietly come into our room, and fall asleep on the spare bed.  Other nights, he screams and screams until I come and get him.  Right now, he has a bizarre fear of manikins.  He passionately hates all bugs, except roly polys.

Bridger is a very happy boy and loves to be busy.  He talks to everyone.  We looked at a rental house the other day.  When Bridger saw the land lord (first meeting), he took her hand and said, "Well, lets see the vacuumyard."  He loves to go to Church each week, and especially loves primary.  He loves the little kids in his class, but too much noise during singing time makes him nervous.  He will say to me and Tim throughout the day, "Mom/dad?  Do you know how much I love you?"  We do know and I hope he knows how much we love him.
We hiked Emerald Pools in Zion a month ago - Bridger kept going and going.  He never wanted to stop.
Bridger does a States'puzzle everyday and is learning (mostly by himself) all the names of the states.
He gets dressed all by himself now.  This picture shows his first attempt.  He was so proud.
Bridger made pancakes for us a few days ago - very serious business.

Monday, June 6, 2016

18 Weeks Pregnant

That is right.  I am pregnant....again.  Even before we conceived, I was absolutely positive this baby was going to be a girl.  We had all the girl names picked out - Hazel if she was blond, and Bonnie if she was a redhead (and of course, Faye for both middle names).  I shopped for darling dresses, and already started worrying about how she would deal with nystagmus.  At 16 weeks, I picked Tim up from work and we headed to the ultrasound with the boys.
As we were looking at the moving baby on the screen, I spotted it even before the technician gave the verdict:

A boy.  Another wild, rambunctious, energetic boy.  I wish I had handled the news a little better.  I cried off and on most of the day, and was still somewhat despondent the next day.  Tim, who has wanted a little girl from the get-go, was actually excited about a third boy.  He now has his basketball team, father&sons will be a party, and he gave me a bunch of other plus' that I can't remember.  I am slowly getting more comfortable with the idea of another boy.  I just keep saying over and over to myself "I can handle it.  I can handle it.  Please let me be able to handle it."  I think what helps the most is knowing that Tim was the third boy in his family, and he is a winner through and through.