Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving season has been one of the best yet!  Tim and I got to see the Jubilee of Trees this year and were so impressed by all the gorgeous trees!  We saw Santa Claus and even got free popcorn - it was perfect!

Thanksgiving day was a blast!  My uncle Randy put together a scavenger hunt for all the kids this year.  We were running around town trying the find the locations to his clever (very clever) clues - we got third place (which is another word for last) but it was so fun.  The feast afterwards was incredible and of course, I made myself sick by eating way too much.  How could I help myself?  After dessert, we headed to Walmart for Black Friday (which started at 10 pm this year).  I have NEVER seen Walmart that crazy!  It took Tim and I about 10 minutes to find some DVDs we liked (Thanks Rand for our third place prizes - it went straight to our Black Friday DVDs) and another hour to stand in line.  Hey, its all about the experience and it was quite the experience.  Now, bring on the Christmas season and let's get wrapping!  Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. I love how your Mom has bananas at the store - somebody went healthy at least! Looks like fun standing in line together! The tree show looks beautiful!
