Friday, March 7, 2014


So sometimes I have a tendency toward melancholy.  At the beginning of our marriage, Tim would get frustrated and ask, "Why can't you just be happy?"  He doesn't get frustrated anymore, he gives me the night off.  Last night, he could tell I was done...with Bridger.  So, he took over and told me to take some time.  I did.  I went to the library and got a book I've been waiting to read and after, I went to the dollar movie.  I got my 30 cent candy and relaxed while I enjoyed a good show, "Life of Walter Mitty."  I came home so much happier and more appreciative of life and my family.  
Before Bridger came, I struggled with depression sometimes, but I knew I was fine.  Now it seems I struggle with anxiety as well.  Tim knows when I have nightmares and has to wake me up.  I have anxiety attacks more frequently.  Its exhausting.  However, there are some things that really seem to relieve these problems.  First and foremost, for me, is walking.  I don't like to run because it hurts, but when its nice outside, or even semi-nice, I get outside and walk.  Nothing else helps me feel dramatically better in such a short amount of time.  Granted, I walk fast and walk up hills, but I think just being outside is part of what makes me happy.  Plus, Bridger loves to get out and run the energy out, so win-win.   Lately, I've gotten into puzzles.  There is something so satisfying about putting puzzle pieces together and it takes up all my thoughts, so I don't have time to dwell on anything else.  Lastly, a good book - nothing takes me away like a good book.  
In the future, I hope to get a good babysitter (when we start making money), but until then, there are always things I can do to be happier now.

And lets not forget that this boy really does make me happy.
My mother-in-law gave Bridger all of these fun busy bags for Christmas and absolutely he loves them, so I've been trying to add to them..for under $3.  Golf tees and a foam block, check.
The zoo had a free day a couple of weeks ago, so some friends and I took our babies and checked out the sad animals (they really looked sad, but Bridger couldn't tell).  He loved the giraffes, elephants, and seals.  It would have been much more fun if I could have kept track of Bridger.  He was running around like a wild animal, very appropriate.
I think we live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, especially when the sun comes out.  I love the mountains.
This kid loves slides.  He climbs right up and goes down all by himself.  Unfortunately though, this was taken right before he fell off.  Bad mom, bad!


  1. I feel exactly the same way about puzzles! It is so satisfying to be able to finish something and know it is finished.
    Thank you so much for the pictures and videos of Bridger. I get really sad when I think about how little I know him, so I really appreciate the little glimpses I get.

  2. I suffer from anxiety and depression as well and I always feel so guilty that I have these amazing blessings in front of me and yet I can't get out of my rut sometimes. It sounds like you are starting to figure out how to get yourself out of that funk and that is so important. Our husbands are pretty great to put up with us and encourage us to take care of ourselves when we need it huh? Wish I was there to give you a hug. It's a tough thing to live with but i think we'll make it through ;)
