Wednesday, December 12, 2012

4 months

Bridger is 4 months old!  In some ways, the time has flown and in other ways, it has just crept.    I am so happy Bridger isn't so breakable anymore.  What am I talking about, he's HUGE.  Here are a few things about Bridger and his 4-month-old self:
1.  His little personality is starting to come out and it's fun to see.  He is very observant - loves to be where there's a party. 
2.  If he is tired of something, he's not afraid to let me know.  He will yell, squirm right out of my arms, and if I haven't helped him out, he'll scream at the top of his lungs.
3.  He loves to smile and his laugh is more like a chuckle.  If you laugh, Bridger will laugh right along with you.
4.  I don't know if the rule to walk before you run will apply to Bridger.  I think he'll be running before he can even crawl.
5.  If I want a truly content baby, I hold him.  Bridger loves being held.
Even though I'm still wearing maternity, losing literally 5 fist-fulls of hair everday, and feel lucky if I can get out to check the mail, I wouldn't trade this little boy for the whole wide world.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to kiss those cute cheeks! Such cute pictures - Thanks!
