Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pregnancy #3

Before this pregnancy ends, I wanted to write some of my thoughts on another pregnancy, in hopes it will make me stop and think before I decide that growing another fetus for nine months is a piece of cake. IT IS NOT.  This has been thee worst pregnancy ever.  Normally the last two weeks are ridiculous - no sleep, big as a whale, swollen, emotional, etc.  This time around, I've experienced all of these things starting at month 6 and it has only gotten more intense with each passing week.

1 - Varicose Veins - so much worse and they keep rising up my legs.  I don't think they will be disappearing this time (thanks mom).

2 - Weight - I have one more month and I have gained 40 pounds.  40 POUNDS!!!  I have rolls of fat that I never knew could grow on those parts of my body.  Nothing fits me - not even maternity clothes anymore.  Do you know how hard it is to lose all of that weight?!  I can't even fit boots over my calves. Because of nursing, there's no way I can lose it as quick as I would like.

3 - Emotions - Angry most of the time, crying the rest of it.
Image result for pregnancy emotions

5 - Contractions - I never had Braxton Hicks or contractions with my other boys until a week before I was due and they never really hurt.  This time around, I feel like I am going into full on labor every night around 10.  This has been going on for a month and it is only getting worse. 

4 - Sleep.  Between Bridger, hip pain, baby kicking, and Charley horses, there is no sleep.

5 - I guess I've forgotten, but I get medical bills every other month for one shot or another.  Having a baby is expensive, stressful, completely uncomfortable, and downright miserable.  The one and only positive about this whole experience is the replacement of a baby instead of a period.  However, when the baby does come, you bleed more in two weeks than you ever did in 9 months.

I know I will think it was all worth it when Jack comes, but for now, my attitude about pregnancy is very apparent.

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