Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pregnancy #2

I remember being pregnant with Bridger because it was so new and singular.  I remember being so thirsty in the middle of the nights that I literally could not swallow.  I remember being nauseated.  I remember craving soft-serve vanilla ice-cream cones and green salad.  I remember thinking how wonderful and easy life was going to be just having one sweet tempered and quiet little boy, like his dad.  Bridger turned out to be definitely sweet, but not at all like his dad.  While he naps, I look around at the diapers, blocks, bread crumbs, and piles of clothes strewn across the floor and decide to escape to my bed.  I haven’t written about this second pregnancy yet or any of my thoughts about #2, so in the 15 minutes or so before the monster awakes, I am going to jot down a few thoughts.
First of all, it took Tim and me almost a year to get pregnant with Bridger; when Tim suggested we think about trying for #2, I said, “Sure,” since it would take us a while before we really had to worry about it.  Just like a little surprise party though, I got a positive pregnancy test three weeks later.  My first thought was, “Yay, I won!”  My second thought was, “Uh oh.”  Luckily Tim was thrilled because he would be on Christmas Break when it was due AND he was sure it was going to be a girl this time.
Fast forward 18 weeks – the baby is due before his semester finals begin AND it’s a boy.  Despite Tim’s initial disappointment, he is looking forward to another hooligan.  He keeps referring to his 1.5 kids as “his boys.”  Personally, I am elated it’s a boy.  So far, my plans are working out just how I want them to – two boys and two girls.  However, if #2 is anything like Bridger, we might rethink the two girls part.  This pregnancy has been a piece of cake, compared to my first (and my first was easy peasy).  Until last week, I couldn’t even tell I was pregnant – no symptoms at all.  This week however, I am a ravenous eating machine and have put on 10 pounds in a matter of days.  All I want to eat is steak and chocolate milk (and I do).  After getting out of the shower this morning, I realized that none of my pants fit and that my big butt is back.  I had high hopes of handling this pregnancy differently, eating only healthy foods and exercising every day, but when my stomach rumbles (constantly), all goals fly out the window.  I am also much more emotional with this pregnancy and feel more stress about everything.
We’re calling this baby #2 until we can find a name we both like.  Since that will take another five months, we’ll give it a number.  Boy names are so much harder to pick than girl names.  As far as looks go, I can’t imagine a cuter baby than Bridger, but maybe he’ll get my dad’s tall genes.  I am extremely nervous to have a brand new baby in the winter.  For my sanity, I have to get out of the house every day.  I don’t know if that will happen with #2 and Bridger in tow, especially during cold/flu/RSV season.  I had some serious baby blues with Bridger during his first winter months and I am looking for ways to prevent it this time.  I know the spring will come only four (or five) months after the birth, so I just have to keep the germs away, keep Bridger occupied in a tiny space, and a smile on my face until then.  Not too hard, right?  Overall, we are looking forward to #2’s arrival on December 10th (probably sooner) and can’t wait to see what he will look like and be like - no doubt, the best Hemming yet.


  1. Ah, I love this so much. You are an amazing example to me of jotting down your feelings. I need to do better. I am so grateful that you are pregnant with number 2! It is the best thing in the world. Can't wait to meet whatever his name is. He is sure to be adorable. I already love him, I know.

  2. Congrats on baby boy #2. Isn't crazy how life likes to take our plans and throw them out the window. ;) You will do great with two!

  3. We're so excited for this sweet little addition! You are wonderful at handling all the challenges. Your boys will be best of buddies (at least most of the time) and yet probably very different in many ways. Thank you for giving us grandbaby #8!
