Sunday, April 7, 2013

8 months

8-month-old Bridger is BUSY! Most of my day is spent saying, "Bridger, get off of that....Bridger, put that down....Bridger, don't put that in your mouth...don't go in out!  etc. etc.  By the end of the day, I am completely spent.  I don't think I've ever seen such a busy boy.  The only time he seems truly content is when we are walking in his stroller.  I try to walk everyday, just to get a little peace for myself.  Bridger has such a silly sense of humor -  I was at the grocery store with him yesterday and opening up a bag to put oranges in.  As I opened the bag, Bridger started laughing hysterically; he thought it was the funniest thing.  I opened a few more bags in a row and by the end, everyone in the produce section was laughing at Bridger whose wild giggle echoed throughout the entire grocery store.  He is definitely free with his smiles.  I love this boy so much!  Bridger is a party a minute and we are having a good time.  Tim is almost done with his first year of law school.  Hurray!  He is ready to be done and I am definitely ready for a break.

1 comment:

  1. After watching the video I realize that I'm sitting here with a great big grin on my face! I love how his legs move like he's riding a bike as he swings. Such a cutie! Great pictures. Thanks!
