Monday, March 5, 2012

It's a....

Yep, its a boy!  After taking the guesses of Tim's family and my family, there was a 100% chance it would be a girl.  I was the only one who thought it was a boy and that is exactly what we are getting.  As we looked at the monitor of our hiccuping baby, Tim said, "Well Carlee, you get what you want."  I've always wanted to have a boy first.  My 3 yr. old nephew almost changed my mind of ever wanting boys but not quite.  The ultrasound tech said that his organs were all in the right spot so far and that his heart was "glorious."  I was relieved to hear that its healthy.  Now its time to pick a name and we have NO IDEA where to begin.  Maybe some baby shopping will help me brainstorm....


  1. Congrats! Logan is certainly in to stuff, but he sure is adorable. :) Your little guy will be adorable! Having a boy 1st is super fun!

  2. We're so excited for this sweet little boy to come to our family! I notice you aren't asking for suggestions - but if you ever need some ideas......
    Congratulations you guys. I already knew his heart is 'glorious'!

  3. Congratulations guys! We are so excited for you! Boys are the best (just ask us!)!

    Good luck with the naming. We thought it would be easy and four months and four baby name books later we finally found it...

    I'll help you get started... stay away from Adolf, Ebeneezer, and Keith. :)

  4. haha baby shopping will only drain the bank account bc everything is so much cuter in tiny sizes. yay for boys. they are sweet and no drama (just busy). happy you will be up this way soon. love you. happy for you.
