1 - Tim started his job. Does he love it? No. Are we so grateful to have it? Above and beyond ABSOLUTELY. Since he started, I feel like our roles have become more isolated. I take care of kids, bills, budget, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc. and Tim takes care of work - which is another bunch of words related to stress. We feel so blessed that he is working for a great firm, with a great group of guys, but I sometimes miss talking with him about law school and life. This whole client-confidentially thing is stupid - so I don't really know much about what Tim is working on, only that he's working on it all the time.
2 - Tim and I celebrated our 5-year anniversary. Every night, just when I'm about to fall asleep, I'll think "Man, I'm so grateful for this guy." Without a doubt, my biggest comfort in this life is that I get to be with him forever. The truth is, as much as I talk or write, there aren't words to describe my love and gratitude for him.
3 - I turned 30. I do feel like I am aging. My back gives me serious grief, and the wrinkles around my eyes are not just from smiling, they're from every emotion and non-emotion. I cared for maybe a week about the fact I was turning 30, and now, I don't care at all. Bring on 31. I do have a couple goals though, that I would like to accomplish in my 30s:
- Start a Roth IRA and put $ every month into it.
- Get done having kids
- I know there were others, but I can't remember what they were.
4 - Ty turned a year old on December 12th. I can't believe my baby is already a year. Some fun things about Ty:
- He is the happiest, calmest baby I've ever met.
- He is happy to be held or happy to do his own thing; he just goes with the flow.
- He hasn't taken his first steps yet, but loves to crawl up the stairs and when he gets to the top, he claps for himself.
- He loves to be read to. His favorite book is Goodnight Gorilla, and the Eye Book (Dr. Seuss.)
- He sleeps through the night - 12 hours (unless he's sick or teething).
- This boy loves to take a bath (even from the get-go). He cries when I get him out.
- He is a two-finger sucker and might be forever.
- He loves his brother. They are already getting into wrestling matches - Ty always wins. Of course, he loves to bite, so he's a bit of a cheater.
- He is truly a special spirit and such a blessing to our family.
6 - Ryan got home from his mission. He served in Cochabamba, Bolivia. I thought he might be different when he got home - nope, just the same sweet funny little brother. I think serving in a third-world country would make anyone appreciate all that we have, but I think Ryan truly suffered in some of the areas he served. He was really sick (from the bacteria in the water) and witnessed some horrible suffering of those he taught and interacted with daily. Ryan talked to me about some of the things he saw and dealt with - and it's still haunting me. My parents took him up to Provo this weekend, where he will start the new semester and a new chapter in life.