Saturday, September 5, 2015

Bridger Is 3

Our Bridger is 3 year old.  He is so fun and we can't imagine our life without him.  Here are some fun facts about our crazy boy:
  1. His favorite color is.."grain and bloo".  He always chooses green when there's an option.
  2. He LOVES puzzles.  He does them over and over and over again, ALL DAY.  He especially loves dinosaur puzzles.  
  3. His favorite show is Curious George.  
  4. Any food, book, or thing he sees that he wants, he'll say, "Oh, thats my fay-rit."
  5. He still wakes up in the night and yells at the top of his lungs, "DADDYYYYYY!"
  6. It is no secret he prefers his dad over everyone else.
  7. Sometimes I'll find him playing with his dinosaurs or Disney figures, and he'll be saying back and forth, "How are yu? No, How are YU?  NO, 'OW ARE YUUU?"
  8. Bridger is a sympathetic soul.  If Ty is crying, he is quick to give out hugs or try making him laugh.
  9. His favorite food are pancakes
  10. Bridger is the busiest boy around, and he is not happy unless he stays that way.  He is asking all day, " 'Nother Aptipty (activity)?"

Hemming Family Reunion 2015

At the end of July, we flew to Arizona where we had the greatest family reunion with Tim's family.  It was such a treat to meet Tim's 90 yr-old grandma Cleda.  She was an absolute delight.  I love Tim's family so much.  They are truly amazing people.