I think I can argue that today was the most beautiful day of the year, and this evening even more so. After dealing with screaming kids for an hour and looking around at the pig sty that my house has become over the weekend, I told Tim, "We're going for a walk." There is nothing as therapeutic as walking outside. As soon as we breathed in that fresh spring air, I started to calm down. My boys were happy, the baby stopped crying, and life was ok again. Tim and I shared our thoughts on the Sunday school lesson (tithing), reviewed our goals, and just shared our simple testimonies about the Savior's love for His children. I love talking to my husband about spiritual things, and evening walks seem to lead into these types of conversations just naturally.
When we finally got home, we force fed the kids a little snack (hopefully they'll sleep longer) and got them to sleep ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Right?! It is now 9:22 and the perfect and only time I have to update my blog.
I wish I could update this blog every day, but it might be another 3 months before I get another post up. I don't know if it is having three kids, or all boys, but I can't seem to come up for air. I am continually drowning in laundry, toys, diapers, mess, and noise noise noise. Our condo can't contain it all. It is a good thing we are moving soon; I just don't know how much longer I can handle this place. Jack started army crawling today, but I can't let him crawl on the carpet because who knows what disease he would pick up. I really think this is the week. The footings have been dug on the lot and I am crossing my fingers that the concrete will be poured in a few days.
Jack will be 6 months on Tuesday. He is a happy baby overall, but babies in general are hard. I still wake up 2-3 times with him every night. Starting solids has been rough - he can't seem to digest anything very well, so I might just keep nursing him until we figure it out. I've tried and tried (to tears) to get him to take a bottle, but every time, he looks at me like I'm torturing him. His colic has dissipated for the most part, and he is just getting cuter and cuter every day. I am thankful the days the go by. Every night, I pray for forgiveness for not being a better mom - for losing my temper, for my impatience, and ask that I will be better tomorrow. I just have to keep trying and I know that one day, I will be better. It might not come until these boy are all older, but it will come, and if I keep trying, they'll turn out all right.
Ty loves to brush his teeth, or eat toothpaste. He's got his dad's huge mouth. |
The footings have been dug. |
Ty won the big chocolate bunny at the little Easter Egg Scramble at the Kia Car lot. |
Art Festival |
Jack is mesmerized by Tim's guitar. |
The boys were planning their next big round up. |
Uncle Lance teaching the boys about lizards and making homes for scorpions. |
Eating Waffle Love and flying kites at the Kite Festival. |
Tim just holding the boys after a long day of work. |